This ship was built by Dr.Brief,Bulma's father.It was built from
the Saiyans' spaceship parts,altought Dr.Brief used little number of this parts.He managed to create very big and comfortable
spaceship.He also built gravity machine for Goku.
Goku used this ship to fly to Namek.He trained very hard at this
ship,using the gravity machine.In the end,he trained under the preasure of 100 times stronger gravity than on Earth.The ship
is flying automaticaly,at very very high speed.You can find it all you need: bathroom,bed,food and drink.There is also communication
devices that will contact you to the Earth.There is also parts for the ship if it will be demaged.Dr.Brief built more two
"copies" of this ship.On was demaged by Chichi,and in the second one Vegeta trained and it also was destroyed.
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