Cell Fetus:
In this form he is small and careless.His life organs and systems
are still developing in this form.He is held in a test-tube that filled with green liquid.This is the form which Trunks
and Krilin destroyed in Dr.Gero's laboratory,and this was the only form which the Cell from the present timeline

Cell "egg" and "Baby"
After his first form,Cell is proceed to his egg form.This
egg is very big and it has small "thorns" and it is structured of two parts.After Cell is cleaved from the egg,he is looking
like a big bug with a brown skin.He lives 3 years under the ground in this form,and after that,he is finally dropping
his skin,and became a civilian creature.

Imperfect Cell:
In this form Cell is standing on two legs like a human and his
skin became green.He has a tail which used to abrosb life energy.He can speak in this form because he is finally civilian
creature.He first appeared in this form when he killed all the people of "Ginger town" and absorbed their life energy to become
more and more powerful,so he will be able to beat the Androids.He fought against Piccolo,but then the other warriors came
there and he escaped to absorb more energy.

Almost Perfect Cell:
Cell reached this form after he absorbed Android 17.He
became very strong but his appearance had just a few changes.When Vegeta and Trunks completed their training
at the Hyperbolic time chamber,Vegeta went immediately to fight Cell.With his new Ultra Super Saiyan level,Cell was no much
for Vegeta even in this form.But Vegeta's pride and his wish for a true challange let Cell absorb Android 18 to become "Perfect"

Perfect Cell:
This is the final form of Cell.After absorbing both Androids 17
and 18,he became perfect.He doesn't has his tail anymore because he doesn't need it .Ultra Super SaiyansVegeta and Trunks
both were beaten by him.Goku faught him at the "Cell Games" as full super saiyan and their powers were almost the same,but
Goku said that he couldn't beat Cell so he let Gohan to fight him.The true reason of that was that Goku knew that Gohan has
a hidden strenght that will be released when Gohan will be angry enough.Finally,Gohan became Super Saiyan 2 and he surpassed
all of Cell's strenght.Cell was ready to explode himself so all the earth will explode too.Goku used his Instant Transmission
to teleport himself with Cell to king Kai's planet,where Cell exploded.But some cells remained from him and because he had
all the warrior's cells,he used Piccolo's ability of regenerating himself.He somehow learned the Instant Transmission when
Goku died from his explosion,so he returned to the earth more powerful than ever.In the end,He and Gohan had a "Kamehemeha
Duel" when both of them used the Kamehemeha waves at each other.Gohan's wave won,and Cell was destroyed.After that,he joined
Frieza and the others in the H.F.I.L and they began to do their "bad things" there.
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