Cui is important henchman of Frieza.He has a purple skin,and strange
things on his head,and long lips.He was Vegeta's rival,because their power levels were almost the same,and they had a competition
between them.He was seen only in two episodes:when Vegeta revived after the battle on Earth,Cui laught at him,that Raditz
and Nappa died.Then,he told him that Frieza is on Namek,searching for the dragon balls.Vegeta took off immediately to Namek,and
Cui took off after him.On Namek,Cui and Vegeta finally fought each other.Vegeta showed Cui the new tricks he learned on Earth,and
he rised his power level,far beyond Cui's level.Cui began to scared,he saw that all of his attacks don't work on Vegeta.He
asked Vegeta for mercy,and he said that he will help him fight Frieza,
but Vegeta said that he won't show any mercy on just stupid warriors
like Cui that just want to work for warriors that stronger than him and Vegeta killed Cui easily
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