Dr.Gero created all the Androids that appeared in the series.
He hates Goku because he destroyed his Red Ribbon Army in the past,and
stopped him from conquerring the world.After his Army was destroyed,Dr.Gero built small spy robots that learned all about
Goku and his friends.Dr.Gero used this data to create his killing machines,the Androids.They knew the names of Goku and his
friends,their attacks and abilities,their fighting style and even where they live.Dr.Gero first appeared with Android 19 on
the island.Dr.Gero turned himself to Android so no one will recognize him,and his name was Android 20.When 19 was destroyed
by Vegeta as a Super Saiyan,he was very surprised that he had no information about the Super Saiyan,so he escaped to his lab.In
the lab,he activated Androids 17 and 18 that rebeled against him,and killed him.But his perfect creation,the best "killing
machine" still was in the lab...
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