Frieza is an evil being, who was the strongest being in the universe.
His rece is unknown.He had many servants from all over the universe,who all were afraid of his power.He conquered many planets,and
killed many innocent beings to make him the ruler of the galaxy.The saiyans worked very well for him,until he got afraid of
their power,so he blew up the entire planet of the saiyans.In Namek saga, he and his force came to Namek to find the dragon
balls,so frieza can be immortal.In the Frieza saga, frieza released all his hidden strenght to fight the warriors.He killed
Vegeta,who served him since he was a child.Bofore Vegeta died,Goku arrived and Vegeta told him about how frieza destroyed
their Saiyan race.Goku promised that Frieza will pay for all the Saiyans and other beings that he killed.Goku and Frieza began
to fight in the final battle between the Saiyans and Frieza. Frieza was too strong even for Goku.The battle was long,and when
all the warriors were sure that Frieza was killed by Goku's spirit bomb,Frieza returned, and killed Krilin.Goku's rage and
anger towards Frieza made him a super saiyan.Super saiyan Goku surpassed all of Frieza's power.The legendary Super Saiyan
was the warrior that Frieza feared of him all his life.He heared tales about the legendary Saiyan,and when the Saiyans got
stronger,he feared that one of them will turn to Super Saiyan and destroy him,so he blew they Saiyan rece.Frieza saw that
Goku stronger that him so he destroyed planet Namek.He said that the planet will explode in a few minutes and he will survive
in space but Goku couldn't.In the end,Frieza's body was cut to pieces by his own attack.He begged Goku to give him some energy,and
Goku's mercy let him to do it.Goku escaped Namek just a few seconds before it exploded.He didn't knew that Frieza managed
to survive too.After a year,Frieza came to earth with his father for revenge.Scientists built for Frieza cybernetic body
to complete his missing organs.He and his father were killed by Future Trunks.
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Frieza has many forms.you can read and see them here:
Frieza's Forms