In future Trunks's timeline all the warriors has been killed by two Androids.Trunks
is the son of future Vegeta and Bulma,and Bulma is the last remain of Trunks's family.She worked days and nights to build
the "Time Machine".After she succeded,Trunks returned to the past,20 years ago.He killed easily Frieza and Kind Cold by turning
himself to Super Saiyan.When Goku finally arrived,he told him that two Androids will appear in 3 years and all the warriors
must train very hard to beat them.He told him about himself,and no one except Goku and Piccolo knew that he was Vegeta's son.He
returned to the past again after 3 years,and he realized that the history was changed:two different Androids that Trunks didn't
knew appeared.Vegeta killed one of then as turning for the first time in the series to super saiyan.Bulma said that the second
Android was actually the evil Dr.Gero,who created all the Androids.Dr.Gero escaped to activate Androids 17 and 18.Trunks tried
to stop him,but Vegeta wanted a real challange fighting them so he stopped Trunks,and arrived to Dr.Gero's lab. Then,Vegeta
fought against 18,and she beated him easily.Trunks hurried to help his father and he was beaten too because of his father's
pride.After that,Bulma showed Trunks that another time Machine was found near Trunks's machine.He couldn't believe that:It
looked like his machine and he said that future Bulma built only one machine and this machine looked like it was there some
years before Trunks's arrival at the past.Trunks realized that the thing that came from the future before him,he was the one
who changed the history.After a short time,Piccolo and God fused another time and they finally met the thing from the future:Cell.Cell
was another creation of Dr.Gero,and he came to the past to find Androids 17 and 18 to absorb them and become "complete". Trunks
and Vegeta trained a year in the Hyberbolic Time Chamber to reach a power beyond the Super Saiyan.After they completed their
training,Vegeta flew immidiately to fight Cell.He was stronger than Cell,but another time,he wanted to gain a real challange
and he let him absorb the final Android to become complete.Trunks tried to stop him,but he couldn't use all his new powers
so Vegeta won't know that his son is stronger than him.After Cell absorbed Android 18,he beated Vegeta,and when Vegeta wasn't
able to fight anymore,Trunks used his all new powers agains Cell.Trunks was too slow in this form,so Cell gave him 10 days
of training.After 10 days,the "Cell Games"had come,where Cell met his final defeat by Gohan.after that,he returned to the
future,and by the experiance he gained at the past,he finally killed the Androids and future Cell.Future Trunks is a good
man,who always wants to save the world.He especially warried about his father,Vegeta who isn't interested in Trunks,Trunks
is always seen with his special sword.
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