Ginyu is the captain of the "Ginyu Force" the elite warriors of
the universe which served Frieza.He has two horns like Frieza's and he has a purple skin.He enjoys inviting the pozes and
the dances of the Ginyu Force.He came to fight Goku after Guldo,Recoom and Burter were defeated.He was sure that he is going
to win,but he didn't knew the true power of Goku.When he saw some of Goku's impressive strenght,he had to use his special
ability:Body change.He changed bodies with Goku so Goku's soul moved to Ginyu's body and Ginyu's to Goku's body.Goku couldn't
controll Ginyu's body,but Ginyu was happy of his new body.After some time,Krilin and Gohan understood and believed that the
"Goku" that talking to them isn't really Goku.Goku came too to fight Ginyu,but he was careless in Ginyu's body so Krilin and
Gohan fought him.In the end,Ginyu tried to change bodies with Vegeta,but Goku took the chance and he caught a frog and threw
it into the body change wave.So,Ginyu's soul is now stuck in a little frog's body.
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