The Ginyu Force! |

Gohan managed to find Vegeta's dragonball,and he met Vegeta on
his way to Bulma's place.He hid the dragon ball and he was lucky that Vegeta didn't found it,and he let him go.Gohan returned
to Bulma's place,and Krilin took him to Guru,to rise his power.Meanwhile,Vegeta found out that his dragon ball is missing!
He understood that the thing that Gohan held was a dragon ball radar! He got very angry,and went immediately after Gohan's
energy.Goku was about to land on Namek.He took off to Namek soon after the guys arrived there.All his time in the spaceship
he spent at very difficult training.He trained under gravity 100 times stronger than Earth's.He became one of the strongert
beings in the universe! But Frieza had already called his "Ginyu Force" the strongest of all his men.Gohan and Krilin reached
Guru's house and Vegeta was following them.After Gohan's energy was rised by Guru,Vegeta and Krilin suddenly sensed a great
energy aproaching to Namek,energy of 5 warriors,the Ginyu Force!
The Ginyu force landed on Namek,and they began to do their posas
infront of Frieza.Frieza told them their mission,to return the dragon balls.
Vegeta became very worried,he said that they don't have any chance
of beating this guys,so they must use the dragon balls now.They went together to Bulma,to take the dragon ball,and when
they arrived to the place where Vegeta hid the remaining dragon balls,the Ginyu Force appeared.Captain Ginyu took the balls
to Frieza.The 4 eyed Guldo was the first to fight,seeking the revenge on Vegeta,and the other big guys watched him.
Guldo wasn't strong,but he had the ability of stopping the time
and only he could move when the time was stopped.He was about to hit Gohan and Krilin with the final blow,but Vegeta interrupted
and cut off his head,and killed him.Recoom was the
next warrior to fight.Vegeta tried to defeat him,but Recoom was
just too strong.Krilin and Gohan also were beaten easily by this big bully.When it seemed to be their end,Goku landed on Namek,and
came to the rescue.He gave to all the guys Senzu Beans,and was ready to confront Recoome.He hid his power level,so Burter
and Jeice(the other Ginyu Force members that watched the battle)laught at his level.He defeated Recoom with a single blow.Gohan,Krilin,Vegeta,Burter
and Jeice were just amazed of Goku.Vegeta couldn't believe that someone improved so much in this short time.Vegeta was wondering
if Goku is the legendary Super Saiyan.Burter and Jeice began to fight now.They tried to hit Goku, but Goku was so fast that
it looked like he didn't move! Everyone except Vegeta didn't understand how Goku "just standing when Jeice and Burter
attacking him"Goku quickly defeated Burter,and Jeice got scared that he escaped to bring Captain Ginyu.Meanwhile,Captain
Ginyu brought to Frieza all the dragon balls.Frieza was about to grant his wish,when he realised that there must be some kind
of password to use them.He left Ginyu with the balls,and he went to Guru,to ask for the password.Jeice arrived to Frieza's
ship,and he brought Ginyu to Goku.Gohan and Krilin left to return the balls,and Vegeta too.Goku faced Ginyu.Ginyu was much
stronger than the others,but Goku could handle this.He showed Ginyu his real power level by using Kaioken.Ginyu couldn't believe
to his scouter,Goku was stronger than him!
Suddenly,Ginyu hit himself.Goku tought that he lost his mind.
But then,he did his special "Body chance" ability.Ginyu's soul
moved to Goku's body and Goku's soul to Ginyu's body.Goku couldn't controll Ginyu's body but Ginyu was happy to take Goku's
body.Ginyu and Jeice flew to the ship,and left Goku alone.Meanwhile,Vegeta arrived to Frieza's ship.He killed all the guards
and he searched the dragon balls.Krilin and Gohan also arrived there,with the dragon radar,and they found the balls.Vegeta
was watching for them from behind:he wanted to learn the password from them.But Krilin and Gohan used the Earth's password,so
nothing happened.Ginyu and Jeice arrived.Krilin taught that Ginyu was Goku so he started talking to him,and Ginyu hit him.Goku
also arrived with difficulty and explained to Gohan and Krilin what is going on.Goku said that Ginyu got weaker because only
Goku can control this body.Jeice looked at the scouter,and Goku was right:Ginyu became very weak!Gohan and Krilin began to
fight him,while Vegeta fought Jeice.Vegeta killed Jeice,and Ginyu tried to do another time his body change,and Goku used this
chance,and Goku returned to his body.The second time,he tried to switch bodies with Vegeta and Goku threw a frog at the wave,and
Ginyu is stuck in little frog's body now!
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