Gohan is one of the main charecters in the series. He is the son
of Goku and Chichi,and he half saiyan and half human. When he was born, he had a saiyan tail.Gohan's great powers usually come
when he is angry.When Dragon Ball Z began, he was 4 years old and even then,he had great powers. When Raditz almost
killed Goku,Gohan broke his speceship and attacked Raditz with all his power.After the battle,he trained a year with Piccolo
and he learned to controll his energy.He did great at the battle with Vegeta and Nappa,and he gave Vegeta the final blow.Then,Gohan
Krilin and Bulma went to Namek planet to collect the dragon balls.Gohan became there one of the most strong fighters in the
univers,and he fought couragesly against Frieza himself.In the Cell sagas.Goku taught him to be a super saiyan and they trained
a year together at the Hyperbolic Time Chamber.They both reach the limits of the super saiyan form.When Goku fought against
he surrenderred because he wanted Gohan beat Cell. Goku did
it because he knew that if Gohan is going to be angry,his hidden powers active.Only Goku knew about this power that
Gohan had. Cell tried to make Gohan angry in many ways,but it was Android 16 words and his dead that awoke his powers.
Then,Gohan turned super saiyan 2,and his power was beyond Cell's.After
a hard battle,Gohan defeated Cell with his power,and the universe was saved.

7 years pass, and Gohan didn't trained.He began to study hard as
his mother always wanted, and he was the best student in his class.But in the city were many crimes and the good heart of
Gohan can't let him just ignore it.So Bulma build for him a special uniform that Gohan can wear immediately by pressing a
button.He became a crime fighter called "great saiyaman".
Videl,was a girl who learned in Gohan's class.She was Mr.Satan's
daughter,the man who was the world champion of martial arts,and all the people believe to his story that he destroyed Cell.Videl
wanted to be strong like her father and she was a crimefighter too.So,Gohan and videl always met or in class or in a crime
accident.Gohan saved her many times,and she wanted to know who is really the "Great Saiyaman".In the end,Gohan told it to
Videl by mistake.After that,she began to love Gohan.Gohan tried to prevent Majin Buu from being hatched,but he berely survived.After
that,he managed to pull the legendary Z Sword from a rock on the Kaioshins planet and the old Kaioshin appeared when the sword
was broken and he released Gohan's hidden powers.Gohan was stronger than Super Buu,and he was about to finish him off,but
Super Buu did his trick and absorbed him.After all this battles,a daughter born to Gohan and Videl named Pan. Gohan was a little child who cried and scared but he learn to be a great warrior.He
always trying to help to ohers,and he is a good warrior.

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