Goku is the main charecter
of the series. When he was born on planet Vegeta, his power energy was too weak for a saiyan. So, he was sent to Earth to
capture it in the future. His true saiyan name is "Kakarott". When his spaceship landed on Earth, an old man found him and
took care of him. The old man saw that the child is very strange: he had a tail, and he kept punching and kicking.He didn't
knew that it is saiyan's natural behavior.One day, the child fell from a high place and get hit his head. The old man
tought that the child won't survive it,but he did.Suddenly, the child became soft hearted and happy. The old man decided to
call him "Goku" and the child grew and the old man taught him martial arts.The man saw that the child has an incredible power,
he was so different from the humans.So, Goku grew and learned to controll his energy and he saved the world many times.He
married with Chichi, and then Gohan was born.Gohan is a half saiyan and half human.When Goku's brother came to Earth, he told
Goku about his past.Raditz,his brother,told him that he is a saiyan and the reason which he was sent to earth.Goku and his
rival Piccolo combined forces to stop Raditz from destroying the earth.Goku secreficed his life in this battle in order
to stop his brother.He trained with King Kai in the other world,and then the Dragon balls return him to life so he can fight
against the saiyans and save the world again. Next time, goku saved the entire universe from Frieza.Goku and Frieza fought
at planet Namek,and Frieza killed his best friend,Krilin. Goku's rage and anger turned him into a super saiyan,and even
Frieza,the strongest being in the universe couldn't defeat this power.Later, Goku fought with even more strong fighters.He
secreficed his life again to save the world from the monster Cell.Seven years he trained in the other world,while his
another son was born:Goten.
When a new enemy attacked the
earth, Goku was there because he got permition to return to life for only one day.
After many episodes, the
old Kai gave his life to Goku,and Goku returned again.He reached super saiyan 2 and super saiyan 3, and in the end of the
series, he destroyed the evil Majin Buu.
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