Goten is Goku's and Chichi's second son,brother of Gohan.He was
born after the great battle against Cell,so he didn't saw his dad because Goku secreficed his life in this battle.He first
seen in "Great Saiyaman" saga,and he 7 years old there.He looks like a copy of Goku.When Gohan taught him to fly,he couldn't
believe that Goten is already a super saiyan. When Goten went to the world tournament,he first time met Goku who got permision
to return to life for one day.In the finals,he fought against Trunks,his best friend.They were at same power,but Trunks won.After
Majin Buu was revived,they trained together in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber as Gotenks,their fusion.They got incredible power
as Gotenks and they were about to finish evil Buu,but he managed to absorb Gotenks.In the end of the series,they get out from
Buu's body.In the last episodes,Goten is a teenaget .
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