The Saiyans lived on planet Vegeta.Together with them,there was
another nation who lived on the planet.The second nation had a good technology,but the saiyans were barbaric and they were
interested only in fighting.After some time,the Saiyans began to coquer the planet.Even with all the great technology the
second nation was no much for the Saiyan's power.The Saiyans destroyed the entire nation,and they began to use the technology
that the other nation left.They used spaceships to travel to other planets and conquer them.But then,they made a treaty with
Frieza,the strongest being in the universe,and they began to work for him.They conquered many planets for him,and his terror
government upon the universe rised.But then,Frieza began to worry about the Saiyan's power and he worried that they will rebel
against him,and they will rule the galaxy instead of him.So,he blew up the entire planet of the Saiyans with a huge energy
ball.After that,the only Saiyans left were:Goku,Vegeta,Raditz,Nappa,Brolly and Paragos.
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