King Cold was first seen when he and his son,Frieza were on their
way to earth.He is very big,and he is the father of Cooler too.When planet Namek exploded,King Cold's ship passed there to
find Frieza's remains.The remains were found,and Frieza got a new cybernetic body.When they came to earth,Future Trunks arrived
to kill them.He turned to Super Saiyan infront of their eyes,and he cut off Frieza with his sword to small pieces.King
Cold asked him to look at his sword,and Trunks let him to see it.King Cold attacked him with the sword,but Trunks caught the
sword easiliy.Then,he shot an energy beam towards him,which killed him.In the end of the series,he is seen in the H.F.I.L
with the other bad guys.
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